Friday, May 16, 2008


The Director, Coastal Assessments
Dept of Planning, GPO Box 39
Sydney NSW 2001

Re: Section 96 by Woolworths for Variations to DA for Supermarket in Mullumbimby.
Reference No: DA 32-04-2006 MOD 2

Dear Mr. Sartor
I wish to object to the variations Woolworths Ltd. has applied to be made to conditions imposed by your Department in approving the above development in 2005. The reasons for my objections are as follows:
Variation on Sewage Connection. The original two-stage development was approved on condition that sewage from Stage 1 was treated on-site. Woolworths plan to build both stages at once with no on-site collection and treatment, and special dispensation to connect to the existing sewage system - breaking a moratorium other developers abide by. Mullumbimby’s overloaded and inadequate sewage system cannot cope with this massive extra load.

Variation on Building Shift and Vehicle Noise. Shifting the building 54 metres to the north from its original approved position and with no landscaping, will give residences at the river end of Station Street an outlook dominated by a large concrete wall instead of the present trees and pasture. Moving the re-located building’s loading bays to the north end means semi-trailers will travel further along Station Street with more residences subject to constant noise impact from morning till night.

Variation on Unloading Bay Operation Times. The original DA only allowed deliveries six days a week. This variation allows semi-trailers to unload on Sundays as well from 10am to 4pm.This is unacceptable in a residential zone.

Variation on Illuminated Signs. Standard Woolworths signs are much larger and more intrusive than those allowed for in the original DA. If allowed, this variation will also add to the light pollution at night for nearby residents from permanent lights in the car park.

Variation on Screening in Station Street. The variation leaves gaps in the tree screen allowing the supermarket to be clearly visible from residences in Station Street. Extra mature plantings are not proposed. Shrubs screening the fence along Station Street have been deleted meaning the perimeter fence will be very visible. A west elevation showing new plantings and which trees are to be retained to screen the building from Station Street is not provided.

Variation on Car Park. This allows the car park to be ramped from ground level at the southern end of the site to the supermarket floor level at the northern end. The site is flood-prone land. No details of the impact of these changes on flooding is provided.

Variation on Metal Screening. Metal screening around the underside of the suspended slab (elevated because of the flood prone nature of the site) will be an eyesore visible from the residential area of Station Street. Similarly there is no detail of the nature of the metal and timber perimeter fence is available for the public to comment on.

These variations to the original DA will create an even greater loss of amenity in a quiet residential part of town, compounding the negative effects of such a massive development totally out of proportion with the small-town scale we value highly about the present Mullumbimby. Please reject them all.

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