Monday, March 3, 2008

letter to our website

Comments. . . . . .I am from Sydneys Northern Beaches and I am writing to congratulate you on this amazing step forwards for DEMOCRACY.> > > > Its sad that the people who are representing you in Parliament are so weak, lazy and out of touch that you have had to take the needs of your community into your own hands.> > > > Good on you. We have some major problems on Sydneys Northern Beaches with the State Government bulldozing our High Schools, illegally and its closure is still with ICAC.> > > > Frank Sartor following his success of bulldozing a $50 million dollar HIgh School wants to bulldoze Seaforth Tafe (at a time when we have a national skills shortage) The Tafe has union bans on it - 9 years - the longest in the history of education in our country, yet still EMPEROR SARTOR pushes on. Our council have not done enough and have caused us hell and want to flatten a $55 milllion dollar Tafe and put up another multi storey apartment block for which our Government will gain a paultry $5 million dollars but of course the Developers will make a motza> > > > Can you help us by letting us know how hard it is to construct a website and where we could start so we can help ourselves like you and hopefully get some success like yourselves.> > > > I WANT TO MOVE TO MULLUM YOU PEOPLE ARE AWESOME> > > > SUSIE COLVIN

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